S. Schwarzacher, B. She, K. Tuma: Stability and error estimates of a linear numerical scheme approximating nonlinear fluid-structure interactions, (2023), accepted at Numerische Mathematik, Preprint.
A. Cesik, S. Schwarzacher: Stability and convergence of in time approximations of hyperbolic elastodynamics via stepwise minimization, J. Diff. Eq., Vol. 415, (2025), 434-486, Paper.
D. Breit, M. Kampschulte, S. Schwarzacher: Compressible fluids interacting with 3D visco-elastic bulk solids, Mathematische Annalen, (2024), Paper.
A. Cesik, G. Gravina, M. Kampschulte: Inertial evolution of non-linear viscoelastic solids in the face of (self-) collision, Calc. Var. PDE, Vol. 63, (2024)
J. Fara, S. Schwarzacher, K. Tuma: Geometric re-meshing strategies to simulate contactless rebounds of elastic solids in fluids, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 422, 116824 (2024), Paper.
B. Benesova, M. Kampschulte, S. Schwarzacher: A variational approach to hyperbolic evolutions and fluid-structure interactions, accepted at JEMS, (2023), Preprint.
M. Kampschulte, S. Schwarzacher, G. Sperone: Unrestricted deformations of thin elastic structures interacting with fluids (2023), JMPA, Vol. 173, p. 96-148, Paper.
O.Saari, S. Schwarzacher: Construction of a right inverse for the divergence in non-cylindrical time dependent domains, (2021), Annals of PDE, Vol. 9, p. 8, Preprint.
B. Benesova, M. Kampschulte, S. Schwarzacher: Variational methods for fluid-structure interaction and porous media (2021), Nonlinear Analysis, RWA, Vol. 71, p. 103819, Paper.
C. Mindrila, S. Schwarzacher: Time-periodic weak solutions for an incompressible Newtonian fluid interacting with an elastic plate, SIMA, Vol. 54, p. 4139-4162, (2022), Paper.
G. Gravina, S. Schwarzacher, O. Soucek, K. Tuma: Contactless rebound of elastic bodies in a viscous incompressible fluid, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 942, p. A34, (2022), Paper.
S. Schwarzacher, M. Sroczinski: Weak-strong uniqueness for an elastic plate interacting with the Navier Stokes equation, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, Vol. 54, p. 4104-4138, (2022), Paper.
S. Schwarzacher, B. She: On numerical approximations to fluid-structure interactions involving compressible fluids, Numerische Mathematik, Vol. 151, p. 219-278,(2022), Preprint.
D. Breit and S. Schwarzacher: Navier-Stokes-Fourier fluids interacting with elastic shells, (2021), Annali della Scuola Normale di Pisa - Classe di Scienze, Vol. 24, p. 619–690, (2023), Preprint.